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Thursday, January 2, 2014 - is your home a green home?

Certain features may add such significant value in the eyes of prospective home buyers that many of today’s real-estate listings highlight energy-efficiency. For buyers or homeowners, low-cost, easy-to-do upgrades also have a positive effect on the world around them. According to a number of organizations that promote energy-efficiency, the following are some examples of common features that could lower energy use and reduce ongoing costs.

Energy-wise appliances

Combined, an Energy Star®–rated dishwasher and fridge may save about $135/year in electricity, according to Alberta's C3, an Alberta-based non-profit organization that encourages energy efficiency and the small-scale use of alternative energy sources. They’ve shared some key energy upgrades below that you might consider in your home.
Top upgrade: A front-loading clothes washer can shave utility costs by as much as an extra $150/year for a family of four.

Climate control

Attic insulation, Energy Star-certified windows and doors, and a programmable thermostat can save money on annual heating bills.
Top upgrade: A high-efficiency furnace could cut yearly heating bills by about 35% on average.

Water savers

Water-wise showerheads and toilets can save an estimated $165 per year on metered water costs.
Top upgrade: Save up to $100 a year by fixing leaky faucets.

Read the label

Overall, LEED-certified or R-2000 homes have been shown to save more on energy costs compared with conventional houses — for instance, R-2000 Standard homes are about 30% more energy-efficient than conventional new homes, according to Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency.
Top upgrade: Book an energy audit and possibly save $100/year following recommendations such as sealing air leaks. If you're considering your own energy-efficient upgrades, make sure to take advantage of financial assistance available through federal, provincial and municipal incentives and rebates.

posted in General at Thu, 02 Jan 2014 17:20:29 +0000

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