Whenever you go away on vacation, even for a short time, you should consider the following tips from Marsh insights -
Consider replacing a small mailbox with a larger one to keep your mail out of sight. If you are going to be away for more than two days, ask Canada Post to hold your mail and call the newspaper office to stop delivery until you return. Have a neighbour hold any free newspapers and junk mail for you. A pile of papers and mail is a clear sign your home is vacant.
Burglars can ...
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posted in General
at Mon, 17 Dec 2012 15:45:59 +0000
Just as marks were important in school, a good credit rating can help you get a passing grade to get approved for financing such as a mortgage. Yet many Canadians don't know how to get a copy of their credit rating or what to do to maintain a good grade.
Finding out what's in your report is easy. You can pay a small fee to request a copy of your credit record online, or obtain it for free if you send a request by mail or fax. It's a good idea to check your record once a year to ensure that it's ...
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posted in General
at Sat, 01 Dec 2012 18:42:10 +0000