September 1-15th 2010 - taken from the CREB statistics
2010 2009Calgary Metro ? Single FamilySales 448 625New Listings 1,211 974Inventory 5,131 3,355Sales to New 37% 64%Sales to Inv 9% 19%Calgary Metro ? ...
posted in General
at Sat, 18 Sep 2010 14:50:43 +0000
Training is in the third quarter. The fun is over and the hard work beginning. Our hill training has prgressed to nine hills and our distance has reached 29 kilometres. The weather didn't co-operate last Sunday but as we say it builds character! Our goup is amazing, we are running new scenic routes around Calgary and enjoying coffee or treats after, a great incentive to finish! I am happy to report I am injury free, thanks to my support group - Murray and Joe at Elite Sports performance Centre! ...
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posted in General
at Thu, 09 Sep 2010 22:34:15 +0000
As your Local Lake Bonavista specialist I bring you the August 2010 statistics:
As of Sept 1, 2010: Active listings in Lk Bonavista and Lk Bonavista Estates = 42 and we have 1 with a sale pending.
For the month of August there were 7 homes sold in Lake Bonavista - highest price = $540,000 and lowest price = $400,000. The average price was $467,000.
For the month of August there were 0 homes sold in Lake Bonavista Estates - although one is pending and one has a 48 hour clause in effect.
Please ...
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posted in General
at Wed, 01 Sep 2010 20:04:31 +0000